Mentor or Doctor & Which is When?
If we start talking about health, many would immediately realise that we will talk about diseases… Paradox—isn’t it? The science of health and the science of diseases are two different disciplines. Doctors are studying diseases, and that's great, but somehow we believe that they also know everything about health. Where does our naivety come from? Finally, we all know that doctors, according to statistics, live shorter than the general average.
Health is optimism, energy, youth, shining eyes, curiosity and ACTIVITY! And as a matter of course - the absence of diseases. Health is a discipline that should be taught in the same way as mathematics, mother tongue or art, and preferably if learning starts in the family, to continue it in kindergarten, then at school, etc.
Unfortunately, such practice does not exist. Parents and grandparents most often know little about a healthy lifestyle. In kindergartens, the care of educators consists in following the instructions of the authorities, later, in schools children do not think about it and the circle closes. Children of these children will not have anyone to teach them.
By growing up we do not learn the ABC of HEALTH, so we cannot put words from 'letters of health', and we do not write sentences, not to mention the major works of ‘literature’.
Can we learn mathematics or art only by listening to tips and reading articles in the media? Can we achieve results in sports, in creativity or at work, engaging just in theory and without mentors (teachers)? The answer is known to everyone - NO! And what do we do?
Until we understand the whole case, we do not try, and we do not apply ourselves creatively, no discipline goes beyond "knowledge" and remains only as "Theory". It's like a fruit tree that does not bear fruits - it grows but without a future.
Though both a doctor and a mentor can be very useful and helpful in various situations, there is a fundamental difference between them:
The doctor is an active side and a patient - passive, the contractor without the right to carry out a discussion.
The doctor diagnoses and writes a prescription. The patient is happy that he does not have to take care of anything and delve deeper into anything. It is okay if we are in a desperate situation, where we can not do anything by ourselves.
Health mentor and a learner - both sides are active, and their shared interest is to learn and apply!
And this is the situation where we act preventatively. We become responsible for our destiny, increasing chances never to see a doctor or if we have an accident, to recover faster. And there is no higher reward for the mentor or teacher than the result when - the student exceeds the teacher!
A good mentor doesn’t "give a ready-made prescription", quite the reverse, the mentor is a person who provides tools and explains how to use them in such a way that students can feel the creativity and joy of "I did it!". Another nuance is that the health teacher, the mentor must follow the rules of life that he teaches his students, be example and test everything on himself. In marshal arts such teacher was called - a Master. And his function - share the experience, motivate and protect.
The tandem teacher-student or (mentor - learner) was the most effective form of development for thousands of years, and despite the growing availability of information, it lasts, because instead of the information deficit we have an excess of it, in which many of us get irrevocably lost.
Do not forget a hackneyed phrase that has lost its meaning nowadays:
"Health is the most expensive Wealth."
Maybe it's something worth learning?